Tag Archive for: Miami yoga

AEROGA by Tracie Wright Vlaun

We offer a holistic bootcamp by Christopher Vlaun called the BeFit Method, we also offer a Yoga Fitness Hybrid called AEROGA by Tracie Wright Vlaun. Come experience these innovative concept in Miami Beach and Bal Harbour. Contact us at: 786-423-7590 or contact@v-artofwellness.com.

Natural DETOX Strategies

Discover The Simplest and Most Powerful NATURAL Detox Strategies 19,379 Men and Women Between the Ages of 26 and 65 Used to Evaporate Fat, Expel Life-Threatening Toxins, And “Fix” Existing Health Problems, While Helping Them Unlock All-Day Energy”

We live in an increasingly toxic world and your body is under constant attack.
Has your body’s exceeeded its toxic limit? Are you losing the battle?
Let’s find out…

How many of these toxic ‘cover-ups’ infest your dinner table daily?

Hormone-pumped meat from cows, pigs, or chickens and antibiotic-laced dairy from commercial cattle? Conventionally grown and chemically sprayed fruits and vegetables. Package foods and desserts that are loaded with hidden sugars and articial ingredients? Whole grains that are said to be healthy but are actually packed with allergenic ingredients like gluten, which has been linked to countless health problems including auto-immune disorders?

And how many of these do you use all the time…

Medicines like Advil, Aspirin, or Tylenol? Plastics and food containers? Cleaning and laundry supplies? Make-up and personal care products?

The reason I ask is because all of these foods and household products are jam-packed with chemicals and deadly toxins that have no business being inside your body.

If YOU feel more tired and worse today than you did a few years ago…OR notice that your body is being held prisoner by digestive problems, excess weight, candida, leaky gut, constipation, IBS, allergies, out-of-control blood lipids, or up and down blood sugar levels…

Then YOU Can Be Sure That You’re Chock-Full of DEADLY Toxins Like:

  • Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides
  • Heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, and lead
  • Genetically modified “franken foods” that alter your DNA
  • Unnatural hormone and antibiotic residues

These toxins are making you age faster… they are tearing your body apart from the inside-out… they are forcing your body to cling on to unncessary fat… and most importantly, these “invisible” toxins are slowly but surely shortening your life span and robbing you of the quality of life you have left.

If You Want to Feel Healthier, More Energetic, and Overcome Your Health Issues Then…

…You absolutely MUST cleanse your body of these chemicals and toxins.

Your liver — the body’s detoxification organ – has become worn out and overly toxic. Because of this, cannot detoxify your body fully nor is it able to perform any of its other 500 roles properly.

That’s when hormone imbalances occur.

Blood sugar and blood lipid problems become rampant.

Your blood becomes increasingly acidic — prediposing to a number of dangerous diseases.

You become more agitated and “short-fused”.

You don’t expel toxins, excess choleterol, or built up fecal matter from your body.

And much more.

Is this what YOU want to experience?

I didn’t think so.

Call us today on (786) 423-7590 to get started on our 28 days detoxification program.



“As long as space endures, as long as sentient beings remain, until then, may I too remain and dispel the miseries of the world.”

Affirmation today:

“Rather than give the body relief, give relief to the mind; when the mind is at peace, the body is not distressed.” Mumon

A Matter of Truth

The Greek Philosopher Socrates spent his life using rational logic to challenge the norms of his society. Even with his life at stake, he refused to conform, determined to uphold what he knew to be true. Approach your own life with a similar attitude. Probe beneath the surface of supposed “truths” presented to you by others as you search for your own truth.